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- ДокументКриптовалюти: сутність, виникнення та закономірності поширення і ціноутворення(Економічний вісник, 2020) Белінська Яніна Василівна; Дікарев О. І.; Belinska Yanina Vasylivna; Dikarev Alexey I.У статті досліджено сутність і процеси виникнення криптовалюти біткоїна. Проаналізовано переваги його застосування та масштаби поширення. Досліджено процес видобутку біткоїна та розподіл, його поміж країнами. Оцінено тенденції та закономірності коливань вартості біткоїна і кількості монет на основі використання мережевих ефектів закону Меткалфа. Показано, що біткоїн створює власну глобальну мережу, що вигідно для інвесторів у зв ’язку- з децентралізацією та меншим рівнем маніпуляцій з боку урядів і банків на відміну від паперових грошей і золота. The article examines the essence and processes of cryptocurrency - bitcoin. The advantages of its application and scale of distribution are analyzed. The process of bitcoin mining and its distribution between countries has been studied. Trends and patterns of fluctuations in the value of bitcoin and the number of coins based on the use of network effects of Metcalfe’s law are estimated. Bitcoin has been shown to create its own global network, which is beneficial to investors due- to decentralization and less manipulation by governments and banks as opposed to paper money and gold. Purpose: analyze the essence, features of the origin, distribution and formation of the price, of bitcoin. Methods: analysis, comparison. Bitcoin is building its own global network, which is goodforinvestors due to decentralization and less manipulation by governments and banks as opposed to paper money and gold. There is a close connection between the patterns of bitcoin distribution trends and fluctuations in its value with Metcalfe's law. The forecast calculates, the Market-to-Metcalfe ratio - the real market capitalization divided by the values obtained using the Metcalfe equation. On this basis,- there is a «proofofproportion» (PoS). PoS, which occurs in a process called «forging». Another alternative is mining using smart contracts for Ethereum-based tokens. A new- concept in the world of cryptocurrency systems is deferred proof of performance, which allows any cryptocurrency to be assecure as Bitcoin itself, without the needfor a large network of miners. A secondary network ofnotarial nodesis being created, which improves the security mechanism for using cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrency can be positioned as a universal global means of'payment, circulation and investment, which exists in the form of software code with a high degree of security and is characterized by a free market rate. Its advantages are that the use of Bitcoin saves a lot of time, transactions can be carried out anywhere and- anywhere, providing businessflexibility; production costs are reduced, as well as transportation, storage and. security costs that arise when a traditional currency is introduced into circulation. It is close connection between the patterns ofbitcoin distribution trends andfluctuationsin its valuewith Metcalfe'slaw that allows us to predict the appearance of'soap bubbles andpredict crisisprocesses.