Термінологічна кодифікованість сатирично-публіцистичного дискурсу
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Держава та регіони
У статті досліджено наукові підходи до розуміння й використання термінологічних найменувань для окреслення сатиричного простору української публіцистики. Доведено історично змінний характер основних понять сатиричної публіцистики й постійні їх модифікації під впливом внутрішньосистемних і зовнішніх факторів, уточнено дефініції.
A satiric flow in Ukrainian journalism has always been determinative since the very moment of emergence of Ukrainian print editions. In spite of the fact that the most common theoretical, in particular historical and literary issues of satire, the nature of comical and satiric as well as the understanding of laughter and satire as the means of expression of critical attitude to someone or something, their public functions have been sufficiently illuminated, the Ukrainian study of journalism does not provide a complex scientific research that would become the basis for its objective estimation.
The lack of unambiguity in approaches to qualification of printed periodicals of satiric character because of the range of objective (complication and ambiguousness of the process of forming the typology features of printed matters) and subjective (use of different criteria of classification by researchers) reasons stipulated the discord in the use of key terms for the marking of satiric space of Ukrainian publicism, such as satiric press, satiric type of edition, satiric magazine, satiric newspaper.
It is proven that the activity of Ukrainian satiric publicism was supported by the emergence of lambent satiric, mainly weekly illustrated paper, however the final forming of satiric genres was encouraged by satiric publications in newspapers, the distinctive features of which were responsiveness and topicality.
The author proves the historically variable character of basic concepts of satiric publicism and their permanent modifications under the influence of internal system and external factors, with their definitions being specified. The author justifies the expediency of the use of the term “satiric periodicals”, which is more loyal to the different types of printed periodic matters but not the “satiric press”. It is emphasized that a satiric type in Ukrainian practice is presented mainly by a satiric magazine, considerably rarer – by a satiric newspaper.
Зикун Н. І. Термінологічна кодифікованість сатирично-публіцистичного дискурсу / Н. І. Зикун // Держава та регіони. Серія: Соціальні комунікації. – 2016. – № 1 (25). – С. 84–89.