Аналіз впливу політичної кризи на хлібопекарське виробництво України


У роботі виділені загальні проблеми хлібопекарського виробництва. На основі показників фінансово-господарської діяльності за 2014 і 2018 роки детально проаналізовано вплив політичної кризи на підприємства малого та середнього бізнесу. Для цього застосовано програмний продукт IBMSPSS STATISTICS, а саме кластерний і статистичний аналізи. Отриманий результат показує, що за п'ять років воєнного протистояння ситуація кардинально погіршилася для всіх підприємств. Навіть лідери серед малого та середнього бізнесу є збитковими. Політична криза має великі негативні економічні наслідки для всіх видів діяльності. Inflationary processes cause the reduce of purchasing power of population and depreciate of their savings. Bakery manufacturers are experiencing negative influence because of increase of cost of production and reduce of demand in the premium segment. There is a high level of competition in this business because of absence of licensing of activities and low level of financial threshold for entering in business. Opportunities of modern technologies allow both the powerful supermarkets and private mini-bakery make this type of products. Analysis of influence of political crisis on the enterprises of small and medium-sized business of bakery production in Ukraine based on the results of financial and economic activity in 2014 and 2018. IBM SPSS STATISTICS was used to do the cluster and statistical analysis. Ukrainian enterprises were choosing different management strategies during the first year of hostilities. Most of them had followed temperate and weighed politic. They had sufficient level of undivided profit and insignificant volume of receivables. In the same time, they had the deficit of working capital, which they were restoring through the current liabilities. The second position was occupied by four leaders, which stand out through maximum value of assets and undivided profit. They are controlling calculations with buyers, but there is a big amount of long-term and current liabilities that pointing to deficit of working capital. Three enterprises, which has a maximum value of cash and net profit, has had chosen the risk strategies. They are paying by own liabilities and in the same time they represented uncovered damage in the cluster. Two enterprises had the worst financial situation namely the maximum losses, they did not do their liabilities and they were not working with debtors. The situation has been worsened in all enterprises in 2018. Statistical analysis of undivided profit represents, that in others enterprises of small and medium-sized business, it is fluctuate from loss 6,5 million to profit 4,8 million. This range was more optimistic in 2014. Comparative analysis of financial performance of bakery enterprises represents situation is worsened during the 5 years, even the leaders of small and medium-sized business have losses. Political crisis influence on activities of bakery production, which has negative economic consequences in Ukraine.



Паянок Т. М. Аналіз впливу політичної кризи на хлібопекарське виробництво України / Т. М. Паянок, А. І. Кричфалушій // Економічний вісник. Серія: фінанси, облік, оподаткування. – 2020. – Вип. 5. – C. 139–147.




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